10 Ways to Beat Wrinkles and Have Younger Looking Skin

February 23, 2016

Wrinkles are something that every woman just hates, and these days women in their early 20s are getting premature wrinkles! I have compiled a list of 10 things that you can do and incorporate in your skincare routine to beat those wrinkles and have healthy skin. 

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How to Get Rid of Wrinkles
  1. Sun Protection
    Sun exposure is the single biggest cause of skin aging! You need to apply sunscreen everyday to prevent wrinkles.
    Applying sunscreen once won't help either. You need to apply it twice a day if you plan to stay indoors and once every 2-3 hours if you plan to stay outdoors

     8 Easy Lifestyle Changes for Perfect Skin
  2. Stop Smoking
    Smoking causes cancer among other things, but it is also extremely harmful for your skin and plays a big role in causing wrinkles. Smoking actually speeds up the aging process by stripping the skin of oxygen and slows down the regeneration of new cells. If you are not a smoker, make sure to stay away from places where people are likely to smoke, as it has a similar effect.
  3. Deep Cleanse
    You need to ensure that your skin is clean and is clear of dead cells, dirt, makeup, etc. for a youthful and fresh glow. Don't use harsh products as they may irritate your skin and make problems worse. Choose a cream-based cleanser and deep cleanse your skin at least twice a week to avoid wrinkles.
  4. Deep Moisturize
    You need to deeply moisturize your skin on a weekly basis. You can use nourishing mask or apply a thicker layer of your regular moisturizer and leave it onto your skin for 10-15 minutes and then remove excess moisture using a tissue.
  5. Boost Circulation
    Use a gentle face scrub or an exfoliating scrub and use it at least once a week to keep the surface of the skin clean. This also increases the flow of blood on the top layer of your skin and ensures cell renewal.
  6. Disguise Lines
    Since nothing else can be done about the fine lines that you already have, you can disguise them using light-reflecting foundations, concealers and powders.
  7. Pamper Yourself Regularly
    Treat your skin from time to time and get facials often. You should also try serums and anti-aging creams.
  8. Change Skin Care According to the Weather
    Extremely cold or hot weather strips your skin off moisture, leaving it dry and prone to damage. Central heating can also have the same effect on your skin. Make sure to moisturize regularly and change products according to the weather, Try using oil-based creams in the winter and light-weight creams in the summer.
  9. Be Gentle
    You need to be gentle with your skin, especially the skin around your eyes. Always apply moisturizer in upward strokes and avoid products which irritate your skin.
  10. Clever Makeup 
    Use make up which contains SPF protection and which also contains skin nourishment ingredients. 
Do you find these tips useful? Is there anything you'd like me to add? 
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  1. Cute tips! Thanks fro sharing!!
    Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW BEAUTY TREND POST

  2. Such great tips! Changing skincare with the weather is a new one for me. I recently moved from the east cast to west and my skin is drastically different! It was a hard realization that I had to change everything I had been using for years!
    Thanks for the tips!



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