Diet for Healthy Skin

February 09, 2016

A good diet and healthy skin walk hand in hand. while skincare products help keep skin beautiful from the outside, it is a good and healthy diet which works from inside out. A good diet for healthy skin and a healthy body consists of a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, greater fiber, lesser fat added sugar and salt.

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Glowing skin is something that everybody desires but urban lifestyle and eating habits can cause problems in achieving beautiful skin. A healthy diet goes a long way in keeping the skin healthy, soft and supple.

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Foods Good for Skin

  1. Water
    You should drink 2 litres of water everyday to keep your body healthy and skin clear. Drinking water has a lot of benefits, it can help you a lot in losing weight, clearing up your skin, etc. If you're interested in the advantages of drinking at least 2 litres of water, check out my experiment and its results.
  2. Cellulose Carbs
    These are basically fibre-rich foods that will help you in getting a brighter and clearer complexion and is one of the best foods for glowing skin.
  3. Vitamin A
    Vitamin A is very important for the growth and repair of certain skin tissues and a lack of it can cause dryness, itchiness and loss of skin elasticity.
    For a beautiful skin, make sure to eat foods rich in Vitamin A like carrots, spinach, broccoli and apricots.
  4. Vitamin C
    Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen and helps make skin firm. Strawberries, citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes and watercress are rich in this vitamin.
  5. Vitamin E
    This is an antioxidant vitamin which neutralizes free radicals and is one of the foods good for skin. Almonds, hazelnuts and wheat gram are all rich in Vitamin E.
  6. Zinc
    This works with Vitamin A in making collagen and elastin, which provide strength, elasticity and firmness to the skin.
Crash dieting is very bad for your skin and your body. Losing and gaining weight due to crash dieting has an extremely bad effect on your skin and it makes you look older and makes your skin less elastic. Always make sure to have a healthy diet and exercise routine and your body and skin will show you great results.

Myth: Most people believe that eating chocolates can cause pimples and can trigger acne, which is not the case. Eating chocolates doesn't cause breakouts.

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  1. Did know about some of these so very helpful post.

  2. I'm so pleased to hear that chocolate doesn't cause breakouts :) x

    P.S. Following you on Bloglovin <3

    1. I know, right! I, too was pleased to find this out

  3. These are so good to know! I'm gradually trying to change my diet to a healthier one.

  4. Rachna,

    Thank you for sharing this post, and to readers who would read this, these are sound advices.

    Taking care of health today is a long process and the result is better life.

    I think spending decades taking care of one's self is better than the pain of certain diseases.

  5. Very helpful post! I and my husband are on diet. And eating right is making a good difference in our body and skin.

  6. I really really really need to start drinking more water!

    -xx Tay


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