How to Take Care of Normal Skin

February 04, 2016

Normal skin is a perfect and balanced skin type. People usually envy those who have healthy skin and a normal skin type. Normal skin usually has a healthy glow and a fine texture and is also one of the skin types which rarely develop spots and shiny areas.

How to Take Care of Normal Skin

  • Since you have the skin type that people envy the most, your main concern should be to maintain it and keep it functioning the way it is. It naturally has a good balance of oil and moisture which is a plus point.
  • Your routine should consist of gentle cleansing, a refreshing toner if the need arises, and a good moisturizer. You can use exfoliating scrubs and masks once a week to pamper your skin.
  • Always use sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF.

Skincare Routine for Normal Skin

skin care, healthy skin, normal skin, normal skin type, skin care for normal skin,

  1. Cleanse
    Use a gentle cleanser or facial wash which lathers up and is meant for normal skin type and gently massage it onto your face for 30 seconds, this will help increase the blood flow and will result in a rosier complexion and rinse it off with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel to avoid residual water. Don't rub your face with a towel as it may cause wrinkles in the long term.
  2. Use a Toner
    A toner consists of less alcohol than an astringent and is more suitable for people with normal to combination skin type. Use a refreshing toner, if necessary, on your skin but make sure that it doesn't irritate your skin.
  3. Moisturize
    Dot a moisturizer onto your face and massage it in upward strokes. Any moisturizer meant for normal skin can work, but you should prefer one which contains SPF to protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun and to maintain a healthy skin.

A good skin care routine can help you a lot in the long run. The skin is our biggest organ and we must take care of it.

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  1. I loved this post! Feel free to add it to my beauty link up! Baci, Coco et La vie en rose
    Fashion and Beauty

  2. This is my mom! I'm glad you pointed out the difference in toner and astringent! Awesome :D

    1. A lot of people don't know the difference!

  3. Yes, you are right, I made exactly the experience that this is the right care for normal skin.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. I've got oily skin, Rena :( Kind of jealous of you right now...

  4. I always try to cleanse every night before bed because my skin is prone to acne but i get lazy sometimes. Thanks for sharing the tips . Great post.

  5. I sooo envy normal skin type as I have oily skin and trust me sometimes it is a nightmare, especially in summer!
    Great post, sweetie! :)

    1. I totally get it, Maddie! I have oily skin as well :(

  6. i love this post...great tips...i love oil skin as well..


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